Saturday, August 31, 2013

Quinoa Jambalaya

I discovered this recipe on  Oxygen Women’s Fitness. It was a perfect post workout recovery meal after today’s 6 mile trail run and to say it was delicious is an understatement.  I think I’ll try nixing the shrimp and swapping the chicken sausage for a vegetarian sausage next time. I’m pretty sure it will be just as satisfying. Recipe after the jump.
Quinoa Jambalaya
Ready in 30 minutes • Makes 2 servings


  • 1 tbsp canola oil
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 low-sodium chicken sausage, sliced into 6 rounds (I used Trader Joe’s Smoked Andouille All Natural Chicken Sausage)
  • 1/4 cup dry quinoa
  • 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 can fire-roasted tomatoes
  • 1/4 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 green onion, sliced thinly


  1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté onion, zucchini, bell pepper, garlic and sausage slices for 5 minutes. Add the quinoa and toss to coat, about 2 minutes.
  2. Add broth and tomatoes to skillet and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the shrimp and cover the pan. Cook an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until the shrimp are opaque and cooked through.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat and place onto plates. Top with green onions. Serve.

Nutrients per serving:

Calories: 400, Total Fats: 15 g, Saturated Fat: 3 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 125 mg, Sodium: 500 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 39 g, Dietary Fiber: 6 g, Sugars: 9 g, Protein: 24 g, Iron: 4 mg

Baked Fajitas

Baked Fajitas

This is a super simple dish that I found via Pinterest (again) from  I tweaked it a little, wrapped in lettuce leaves instead of tortillas and it becomes Paleo!

2 pounds chicken tenders
2 bell peppers, cut into strips
2 onions, sliced
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes (sugar free)
1 4 oz can diced green chilis
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS chili powder
1 TBS cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp sea salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a large baking pan.  In a small bowl, mix oil and spices and set aside.  Place chicken, peppers, onions, diced tomatoes and chilis in pan, drizzle spice mixture over chicken and veggies and toss to coat.  Bake for 20-25 minutes until chicken is cooked through.  I served mine in lettuce leaves with some sliced avocado and chopped fresh cilantro.

Menu Planning made simple...

Every Sunday, You should sit down with pen and paper and plan out your week. This is the BEST and proven way to have success and be able to stick to your meal plan. It's simple really if you think about it and will save you money. You plan your menu and then grocery shop Sunday for all the stuff you don’t already have in your fridge and pantry. You then go home and prep anything you are going need for the week. If you are busy or on the go then you may need to cook up some Chicken breast Sunday to throw in to wraps or Salads during the week. You can also make a big pot of Chili, portion it out and have it for lunches during the week. Pick your favorite meals and cook a few of them and portion them out. It really depends on how much time you have during the week to cook. If you are low on time then cook all your meals Sunday then pack them in containers and throw in the fridge or freezer.
 If you use Sunday as your prep day each week you will be successful as long as you stick to your plan. Many times we fail because we simply don’t plan ahead and it gets late and we end up picking up fast food. This way, you can have everything ready and just take from the fridge and pop in the microwave...problem solved. 

A typical day for you could look like this : 

Wake up in the morning... drink a bottle of water with lemon squeezed in it. I LOVE lemon water and it's so good for you. There are many reason it's a good idea to start the day off with a good old glass of Lemon water. 

1. It keeps skin clear and glowing. 
2. Gives our digestive system a kick start. 
3. Helps with weight loss and will help you stay fuller longer
4. It will help you control your Coffee habit and wake you up naturally. If you still feel you need coffee after go for it. First drink your Lemon water. You may be surprised. 
5. It helps you kick soda to the curb. Add a ton of ice and Lemon and it will help with those cravings.'s time for some breakfast. 

It's extremely important that you have breakfast with in an hour of waking if you can. Your body has just gone 7-8 hours while you were sleeping with out food and its hungry!! It needs fuel to get going and ready for the day. Just like your car shouldn’t go with out gas well neither should you! Eat with in an hour to prevent your body from going into starvation mode. Breakfast will set your whole day up for success. For breakfast some days I have a smoothie or Plexus and a cup of yogurt.

So, have breakfast!! And NO, I don't mean have a sugary doughnut or cereal and loose weight... it simply does not work like that. You need to fuel your body with good nutritious food. 

Here are a few good options...

1. Oatmeal. Get Quaker Original Oats in the can and add in some unsweetened vanilla almond milk, toss in the microwave, and mix with cinnamon and sliced apples, or Blue berries, strawberries peaches, or any fruit of your choice. You can add a sprinkle of flax seed, and wheat germ to keep you full longer. 
Pair this up with a protein such as adding in some Vanilla Protein powder or Have 2-3 Scrambled egg whites or boiled egg whites with your oatmeal.

2. Make an Egg White Omelet. Get the Egg White beaters and pour in the pan, add in your favorite veggies, a sprinkle of light cheese. This isa perfect breakfast made in only Minutes. 

3. Egg White Burrito. Saute some Onions, bell peppers, and/or spinach in a pan with a drop of olive oil. Then add in your egg whites and some black beans. Sprinkle a bit of light cheese and throw it in a whole wheat tortilla. You can even make these ahead of time and have them ready for the week.  Just make the filling put it in a bowl, and then warm in the microwave and toss it into a whole wheat tortilla...spice it up a bit...add some salsa!! Yummy!

2-3 hours later ... 

It's time for your AM snack. If you are forgetful and aren't use to eating through out the day. SET AN ALARM ON YOUR PHONE so that you remember to eat. It's important to keep your metabolism going. So you are burning calories all day long. 

A good AM snack is an apple and a little bag of 100 cal all natural almonds.

Some other snack ideas are

1. 20 grapes and a light cheese stick

2. Cottage cheese, cinnamon sprinkled on top, and a sliced apple or even just cottage cheese and strawberries. Get the Light Cottage cheese.

3. Strawberries and a handful of cashews 

4. Greek Yogurt, drizzle of agave nectar or honey, and some chopped fruit. 

5. Sliced Banana, 1tbs of peanut butter, and a whole wheat tortilla. Spread the peanut butter on the tortilla and place the banana in it, roll up, and enjoy.

6. Sometimes for breakfast I wont eat breakfast food, ill even warm up something I had for dinner the night before, when I don’t feel like eggs or breakfast fare...its still eating!

So after that set your alarms again ... and DRINK YOUR WATER ALL DAY IN BETWEEN MEALS. 

LUNCH TIME 2-3 hours later. Once you get in the groove of it it comes to you like second nature and your body is use to eating this way. It lets you know when it's time to eat You wont have to set a clock for body will tell you its time. TRUST ME! 

For lunch I typically have something simple. I will make something fast or have leftovers. 

Here are a few ideas. However, if you are in the office during the day I strongly suggest prepping your lunches Sunday and having them packed for the week. I even bake some chicken breast or grill them to use during the week.

1. Grilled Chicken Wrap with Feta, tomatoes, spinach, avocado, and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. 

2. Same as above, except on a bed of lettuce or baby spinach. I like to add black beans and red onion into my salads. 

3. Leftovers from the night before. Or you can make a big batch of Chili, or taco soup. You can even make some ground turkey meat and add in onions, black beans, and a sprinkle of low sodium taco seasoning to throw into salads with salsa on top or I throw it in a whole wheat tortilla for a burrito.

4. Egg white burritos can be for lunch. Scramble up some egg whites with black beans and a sprinkle of light cheese Once that is done grab a whole wheat tortilla throw in the egg mixture, and top with avocado. Its great and quick.

Find what works for you .... 

2-3 hours later ... PM SNACK TIME! 

PM snack sometimes has been baby carrots and 2tbs of hummus. If you haven't heard of hummus TRY IT! It's made with Chickpeas and an excellent source of protein. 

Some other good ideas are

1. Any of the above snacks listed in the AM snacks are cool... Just try not to overdue it on the fruit because it's HIGH in sugar. If you usually have fruit in the morning, and then fruit at your AM snack... probably would be better for your PM snack to be protein and veggies. 

2. Fruit Salad: Top it with nuts and a honey-sweetened yogurt for a protein boost

3. Ants-on-a-log:  Celery sticks stuffed with natural peanut butter then topped with raisins


-Don’t forget to Drink Your Water!!

2-3 Hours later ....


Remember PORTION CONTROL! If you are going to have a cup of soup or chili have about a cup. If you are still hungry DRINK WATER and have a side salad. You can always add in more veggies if hungry and if you are lifting weights and feel like you need more protein add a bit more. 

Portion control is a big thing. We can make Healthy Meals but if we are overeating we are defeating the purpose. 

A few ideas:

1. Tilapia with Quinoa and cauliflower or broccoli

2. One of my recent dinner concoctions was Ground turkey, onions, and broccoli slaw seasoned with ginger, sauteed in a pan and put over brown rice.

I hope that this post has helped you learn a bit more about clean eating and how to create your meal plans. 
I'm here for each and every one of you if you have any more questions, or need more tips Just send me a Message! 
I'm here for you...


Are you new to eating clean?

So, if you are new to clean eating I'll break it down for you. Eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours. This keeps your metabolism going and burning calories all day long. If you go long periods of time with out eating then your body will going into starvation mode and everything you eat beyond that point will be stored as FAT! Who wants that!??! Not me! I choose to EAT!!! We all love to eat ... Crash Diets do NOT work ... Our body needs fuel to keep going! Eating healthy, small meals through out the day is the way to go. You will feel like you are eating way to much but the key is that since you are eating more quality food you can have a bigger quantity. Amazing huh? 
Another important factor in eating clean and staying healthy is to drink plenty of water through out the day. This is super important. If you don't drink enough water then your body will begin to confuse thirst for hunger. It doesnt' know the difference. Water is the most crucial nutrient in life. Your body is made 60% of water and needs it to stay hydrated, for muscle recovery, digestion, and satiation. 

Dont forget to drink your water!

How much water should you drink daily?

The average women should drink about 2 - 2.5 Liters of water a day!!
Your Urine should be clear and odorless :) Just thought I'd add that in there! It's true. So when in doubt ... check that!

Here are some tips in getting into the habit of drinking more water :

1. Start Early. As soon as you wake up drink a bottle of water. Keep it on your night stand so the first thing you do is grab the bottle of water and down it. This will get your metabolism going and start getting things moving.
2. Drink 1 cup of water with each meal!! Then a cup between each meal. This will knock 6 cups out of the way.
3. Drink water during your workout!! This is OBVIOUS .. but so very important. You need to replenish your body as it sweats.

If you aren't a fan of water there are ways that you can make it a little tastier with out adding in calories or sugar. Every time I go out to eat with my family I order a big glass of ice water with extra lemon. I love lemon water. It's so good and amazing for you. Squeeze lemon into your water and it will give it more flavor.

Clean Eating Principles

Want To Control Your Portions...Use Your Hands!!

Portion control is so out of control! Much of what Americans eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner is two to three times bigger than the government's definition of a portion, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer group. The growing waistlines we see can only be attributed to poor diet, much larger portions, and lack of exercise. We always talk about what we should be eating, but most times not about how much we should be eating. Most people have NO idea on what a portion size is for the foods they eat.

According to experts, today's portion crisis has gradually unfolded over 20 years. Blame falls squarely on restaurants and a cagey marketing strategy. For a little bit more, they entice us to eat more. Too many of us do, both at restaurants and at home. In order for one to eat healthy portions, they would have to learn what a portion actually is and not think that its OK to eat twice as much as you should.

Nutritionists recommend using your hands as guides. A portion of chicken, fish, beef or other protein is the size and width of your palm. Starchy carbohydrates like pasta, potatoes and rice are the size of your fist. A serving of fat, including peanut butter, olive oil or butter, is half a thumb. A fruit serving fits in the palm of one hand, vegetables in the palm of two hands. Your hands are always at the table with you...they are practical to use for the eyeball method, and quite accurate.


After learning what a portion looks like, make a conscious effort to eat healthy portions at least 80 percent of the time.

-- When dining at restaurants that have been known for their gigantic portions, half is the new whole. Take your entree split it in half and take half home for a  later time.

--  Pay attention to how much butter you slather on bread and to the dressing you pour on your salad this adds more calories and also this.

-- Eat off smaller plates and bowls. With larger plates the eyes tend to lead the hands to pile more on that plate to fill it. The serving of spaghetti placed on a smaller plate that's filled, it much better controlled then on a larger plate.

-- Cheat with vegetables. If you must eat more, double the portions of salad, broccoli and other low-calorie, nutritious veggies.

-- Eat slowly..Pace yourself. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that your stomach has had enough.

-- Practice makes perfect. Measure out a cup of cereal and half cup of milk for a few weeks. Eventually, you will be able to eyeball it and see that you are using the correct amount without the cups.