Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dont forget to drink your water!

How much water should you drink daily?

The average women should drink about 2 - 2.5 Liters of water a day!!
Your Urine should be clear and odorless :) Just thought I'd add that in there! It's true. So when in doubt ... check that!

Here are some tips in getting into the habit of drinking more water :

1. Start Early. As soon as you wake up drink a bottle of water. Keep it on your night stand so the first thing you do is grab the bottle of water and down it. This will get your metabolism going and start getting things moving.
2. Drink 1 cup of water with each meal!! Then a cup between each meal. This will knock 6 cups out of the way.
3. Drink water during your workout!! This is OBVIOUS .. but so very important. You need to replenish your body as it sweats.

If you aren't a fan of water there are ways that you can make it a little tastier with out adding in calories or sugar. Every time I go out to eat with my family I order a big glass of ice water with extra lemon. I love lemon water. It's so good and amazing for you. Squeeze lemon into your water and it will give it more flavor.

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