Saturday, August 31, 2013

Want To Control Your Portions...Use Your Hands!!

Portion control is so out of control! Much of what Americans eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner is two to three times bigger than the government's definition of a portion, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer group. The growing waistlines we see can only be attributed to poor diet, much larger portions, and lack of exercise. We always talk about what we should be eating, but most times not about how much we should be eating. Most people have NO idea on what a portion size is for the foods they eat.

According to experts, today's portion crisis has gradually unfolded over 20 years. Blame falls squarely on restaurants and a cagey marketing strategy. For a little bit more, they entice us to eat more. Too many of us do, both at restaurants and at home. In order for one to eat healthy portions, they would have to learn what a portion actually is and not think that its OK to eat twice as much as you should.

Nutritionists recommend using your hands as guides. A portion of chicken, fish, beef or other protein is the size and width of your palm. Starchy carbohydrates like pasta, potatoes and rice are the size of your fist. A serving of fat, including peanut butter, olive oil or butter, is half a thumb. A fruit serving fits in the palm of one hand, vegetables in the palm of two hands. Your hands are always at the table with you...they are practical to use for the eyeball method, and quite accurate.


After learning what a portion looks like, make a conscious effort to eat healthy portions at least 80 percent of the time.

-- When dining at restaurants that have been known for their gigantic portions, half is the new whole. Take your entree split it in half and take half home for a  later time.

--  Pay attention to how much butter you slather on bread and to the dressing you pour on your salad this adds more calories and also this.

-- Eat off smaller plates and bowls. With larger plates the eyes tend to lead the hands to pile more on that plate to fill it. The serving of spaghetti placed on a smaller plate that's filled, it much better controlled then on a larger plate.

-- Cheat with vegetables. If you must eat more, double the portions of salad, broccoli and other low-calorie, nutritious veggies.

-- Eat slowly..Pace yourself. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that your stomach has had enough.

-- Practice makes perfect. Measure out a cup of cereal and half cup of milk for a few weeks. Eventually, you will be able to eyeball it and see that you are using the correct amount without the cups.

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