Saturday, August 31, 2013

Are you new to eating clean?

So, if you are new to clean eating I'll break it down for you. Eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours. This keeps your metabolism going and burning calories all day long. If you go long periods of time with out eating then your body will going into starvation mode and everything you eat beyond that point will be stored as FAT! Who wants that!??! Not me! I choose to EAT!!! We all love to eat ... Crash Diets do NOT work ... Our body needs fuel to keep going! Eating healthy, small meals through out the day is the way to go. You will feel like you are eating way to much but the key is that since you are eating more quality food you can have a bigger quantity. Amazing huh? 
Another important factor in eating clean and staying healthy is to drink plenty of water through out the day. This is super important. If you don't drink enough water then your body will begin to confuse thirst for hunger. It doesnt' know the difference. Water is the most crucial nutrient in life. Your body is made 60% of water and needs it to stay hydrated, for muscle recovery, digestion, and satiation. 

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